Fast and flexible!

Pipeline solutions

Geometry inspection

Geometry inspection

The provision of geometric inspection services is the main business of MEFS. These services make use of the extensive range of caliper tools named GeoPAT, designed, manufactured and operated by MEFS. These state-of-the-art tools offer the highest level of sensitivity, resolution and accuracy. The rugged design ensures reliability even under toughest operating conditions. Available tool technologies include single-channel and multi-channel as well as XYZ and GPS mapping technologies. GeoPAT tools are available in sizes from 4″ to 56″.



With their unique design, dual-diameter pigs can handle pipe configurations with different diameters.



MEFS uses an especially developed state-of-the-art software for the evaluation of the measurement data, which enables a comprehensive and high-resolution 3D presentation of the recorded data.

Mapping system

For the concise determination of the position of an inspection tool, the MEFS GeoPAT Tool is equipped with an IMU system as well as with a powerful transmitter. Together with the corresponding marker system the relevant pig position with XYZ coordinates and run times will be recorded and determined.

Using the position data recorded by the tool, the GPS positions of girth welds, bends, valve stations, defects, etc. can be determined accurately. These coordinates can be supplied in different standards, such as GIS, WGS84, UTM and others.

The pig location in the following examples took place at different points along the pipeline. These coordinates were listed in a Final Report as well as recorded in a map.

It is possible to work with these coordinates in other systems e.g. Google Earth – refer to example.


MEFS has built a considerable reputation in this market based on quality, reliability, flexibility and the competitive prices.




MEFS can offer a variety of general cleaning services for pipelines. These include regular cleaning as part of the maintenance process or special cleaning services within the preparatory work performed prior to the application of in-line inspection tools.

Cleaning programs are individually configured for the specific cleaning requirements of a pipeline. Depending on the state of the line, a full cleaning program can include the use of foam pigs, different types of bi-di cleaning tools or even specially designed cleaning tools, such as stud pigs or pin-wheel tools.


Example of use: Magnetic pigs

Magnetic cleaning tools can be used to remove chips and other metallic materials from pipelines.

Project management

Project management

MEFS also offers project management resources for pipeline projects. These include cleaning, inspection, as well as turnkey projects. Staff members of MEFS have extensive know-how and experience in the field of pipeline inspection and maintenance as well as rehabilitation projects. 

Furthermore MEFS has a global network of cooperating partners complementing the scope of products and services offered.


Working for you worldwide!
Fast, flexible, easy administration & professional.

MEFS-Technik GmbH
Bernardstrasse 39
49809 Lingen - Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 591 - 977 18 80
Fax: +49 (0) 591 - 977 18 82



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